
Friday, June 29, 2012

Cafeteria Should Reduce Plastic Object Containers

Nowadays, many places are using plastic unrecyclable containers, like plastic bags for containing brownies, cookies; plastic bottles for containing milk and plastic cups for containing drinks like lemonade. In my school's cafeteria, there are a lot of plastic objects like what I said before.

The amount of people buying chocolate milk is huge, I have to say that it is one of the drinks the students like the most. People usually buy one to three bottles for once, and they might buy it at the end of school too. I don't really know the statistic of how many chocolate milk will be sold out, but I know that I usually drink one to two bottles a day to keep the heat out of my body, which i think most of people do that too. Imagine the huge amount of plastic bottle will be thrown out everyday, how much carbon dioxide can they release?

The other drinks like milk shakes, iced coffee and lemonade in my school are pretty popular too, but they are served in plastic cups. They are not actually reusable because everyone just throw them away when they are finished drinking. I can see the cups on the benches, ground... Even though the school has a recycle bin for bottles, but I don't really know that is it for paper objects or plastic. People just throw them in there and I don't even know what is going to happen to the plastic bottles or cups. The new plastic cups in the school will be used very quickly since there are a lot of students want to buy lemonade, but it was replaced very quickly. I bet there is a lot carbon dioxide emission when the factories are making it, and also when they burn the plastic objects to make new ones.

Even though my school already took away all the plastic bottled water, but I think that's far more than enough. Although the bottled water is gone but there are more students to buy milk or lemonade, which makes the amount of plastic in the cafeteria doesn't decrease at all. Therefore, the company for the school cafeteria should consider about using paper cups for drinks, like the ones we use for hot choco and hot coffee. Also paper boxes, glass bottles for the milk. The progress of making paper and glass might affect the environment, but I think they won't do that much damage as the plastic. Paper cups, boxes and glass bottles are recyclable and more green.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ride Bikes or walk to Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emission

Driving cars is also a main reason of carbon dioxide emission. Cars didn't just cause the air pollution but also the big amount of carbon dioxide caused global warming.

In the United States, they have the large passenger vehicle market in the world -— with over 243 million. The burning gasoline releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which means every time you drive, you will be one of the members that release the carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Someone will think, "how much carbon dioxide can be released once? Can't be that much huh?"

But you are wrong. Too much carbon dioxide is going to the atmosphere is because there are too many people driving and soon many cars will produce huge amount of carbon dioxide. Sometimes, people always use their cars when it is not necessary. Like going to school, but you can just simply walk there or ride a bicycle in a short period of time. Instead, you chose to take the car. Yeah, it helped you to save your energy, but it is killing the earth's sustainability. If you are not convinced about what I said, I can give you some solutions to you, so it will be easier for you to do it.

If you are too lazy to walk or bike, or your place is too far from the destination, you can buddy up. Find a friend who is going to the same place as you and take either his or her car or drive you car. Therefore the carbon dioxide emission will be less than two cars. Also, you can take public vehicles like buses or trains. A lot of people will be "stuffed" in a transportation, which is more green than with a friend.

You can also check the pressure of you tires. If they are lack of air, the car will need more gasoline to drive. The theory of it is like riding a bicycle, if the tires are flat, it will need more energy from you to paddle it. If the tires are fully pumped, you can ride it quite easier than the flat ones. Also, you need to step on the brake or the accelerator slightly, not like stepping on them as hard as you can right after what you see. If you realize there is a car far away in front of you and you know that you need step on the brake when you get there, then why don't you just step on it slightly as soon as you see the car and slowly become a halt?

Another solution is to check the price of the gasoline, and calculate the amount you need for a month or sometime. Get the best way of buying and saving gasoline. Also, you can change a type of gasoline without destroying your car, like adding green gasoline. You can go research about the kind of car you have and to see the amount of the carbon dioxide your car/s burns, so based on the site's suggestion, you can improve.

The best of all the solutions is to walk or ride as much as you can in order to save our planet. We need to think about other people, animals, the habitat and the environment. Change the way of thinking, if you are the earth, what will you think if all the humans are driving vehicles even if it's not necessary? People need to be more united and help to save the earth, reduce carbon dioxide emission.

Monday, June 25, 2012

the Food Pyramid

Global warming didn't just affect a animal but also many of them. Everything in the earth is connected. If something is broken or a species is dying out, the whole habitat will be affected, the whole chain will be unbalanced.

In the arctic, some polar bears died because of the environment or its food, not all of them died because they were overheating or can't get used to the environment. The warm sea water affects the plants in the water like plankton, they will soon starts to die out because of the strange temperature. The animals that eat planktons are basically shrimps. When the amount of planktons start to reduce, the food for shrimps will be lessening. Therefore shrimps will have less food. Some of them will go out and discover other food sources, but some of them will die. Shrimps are also main food source for cod fish. Once the shrimps start to die or run away, there will be no enough food for the cod fish. Therefore, they either choose to swim away and find other places or die. Seals will be affected by the reducing amount of the cod fish, which left less food for the polar bears. Polar bears are not easy to migrate, they did not born to be in the water like fish. They can't swim all the time. All they can do basically is to stay where they are.

If there is a food pyramid for the arctic food chain, there will be five layers, with plankton at the bottom, then the shrimps, then the codfish, then the seals, and finally the polar bears in the top. As the pyramid goes up, the amount of food will get decreased by ten percent. It will be decreasing like 10, 100, 1000, 10000. There will be 10000 of the food loss for polar bears. Even though they are on the top of the food pyramid, the strongest, but they are also the weakest.

People really need to protect our planet by doing things to help to reduce global warming, like what I mentioned before: reduce, reuse, recycle plastic objects; ride bicycles... Someone will say that it is not their business, but think about it more carefully and make layers of the pyramid higher, one day you will be the one who get less food and suffer from starvation.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Poem about Polar Bear

Arctic, a cold habitat for animals
White snow all over the places
Shiny ice with the white snow
Beautiful arctic full with joy
Animals playing around

Polar bears, a kind of beautiful creature
Living in the arctic
Happy and lazy
Have its way of living
Until now

Global warming makes the polar bears hotter and hotter
Their fur are keeping them hotter not warmer
Many creatures immigrate because of no food
Polar bears have no food until them
They are hungrier and hungrier

Long time ago, they swim in the cold ocean
Lay on the solid ice
Now, they swim in the warm ocean
Lay on the liquefied ice
Their fur kills them instead of protect them from the cold arctic

People want to be rich by destroying the habitat
Getting their money while the animals are suffering
They never think about the damage they could cause
Just working hard and get rich
That’s all they think about

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Story of a Polar Blear

Hi everyone, I am a polar bear that is living in the freezing cold arctic. Living here is quite comfortable because we won’t feel cold and hot, the temperature is just brilliant for me! We have two layers of fur to keep us, polar bears, warm, and our tails and ears can avoid the escaping heat!

When I was free, I always looked at my homeland, where was white and shiny. Sitting there, observing the whole arctic, you could only see the white snow and shiny ice. It was pretty just like a paradise. It was to hang out with my friends. Hunt with them, flip with them, and roll on the soft snow with them…


After many years, I found that I got hotter and hotter each day and the ocean ice started to melt! What is wrong to this Polar Planet? I am feeling overheated! I am rolling on the ice, swimming in the icy water, but that won’t help us much, because I can’t just swim all the time or rolling all the time. I was sitting on the ice, observing the ocean and thinking about what I should do. Desperately, I saw the holes for seals to breathe are almost gone! That was the only easy way to hunt seals, because when the seals come up and take a breath, we can wait next to the hole where they come up and hunt them. Thinking of the food, I started to feel hungry, so I met with my friends and went for a hunt. It was much harder to find seals, because they are taking breathes everywhere now. One of my friends suggested that we could find cod fish to eat, but because of the warming, we can’t find them either. I bet they can’t find their food too. Long time ago, I used to observe the ocean when I was free; I want to know what are the others doing for their daily lives. I found that we polar bears often eat seals, and seals often eat codfish, and codfish used to eat shrimps and shrimps used to eat algae. Now I am still observing the ocean and ice, I didn’t only see the holes for seals are gone, but all the creatures are almost gone! I decided to discover by myself, which I am going to dive into the cold ocean that is not cold anymore.

Dived into the warm ocean, I no longer see the greenish ground under the water anymore. Instead, I only see brownish ground and bleached coral. There are no longer shrimps swimming around to eat the algae, they went to somewhere else to find food. Therefore, of course, codfish, seals immigrated to another place. But we polar bears are too troublesome to immigrate because we are not born to live in the ocean and swim all the time, so I guess we are going to stay here and feel the hunger loom over us until we die.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

How to Ban or Recycle Plastic Bags?

Nowadays, people always use plastic objects, like bags, bottles and toys. Plastic made our lives much convenient than many decades ago. Even though people knew that the plastic is made from an unrenewable resource, humans are still using it for their own benefit. Many people said plastic things could be dissolved or melted easily, but the truth is if nothing is done to them, they will exist on the earth for many decades. Using plastic bags is bad, but the worst thing is that humans throw them everywhere, on the river, lake, and street. Some marine animals don’t know what those floating-on-the-water things are. Curiosity makes them swallow the floating-on-the-water things; therefore, they die from suffocation or being poisoned. Plastic bags on the pavements or roads affect land animals too. When the wind blows, plastic bags could be easily brought to trees and hang on there, which can make the cities ugly and birds die, humans will be poisoned too. Since we eat those “poisonous” animals, our health will be affected. People always say recycle plastic bags! Signs can be always seen in malls, grocery stores. Nevertheless, salesmen and consumers are still using it and factories are still making those plastic bags.
It has always been a question: HOW TO recycle/ban plastic bags? There are many ways to solve the problem. For example, in China, every grocery store and mall still has plastic bags, but it costs you 0.1 or 0.2 Yuan (0.5~1 baht) to pay for it. Citizens in China think why they have to spend money on small, unrecyclable, and useless plastic bags, which are also bad to the environment. From that day on, Chinese people always bring their cloth or paper bags shopping. Those plastic bags are still here, but the number will never change too much. The plastic bags are only for the emergency uses. Also, according to an article I read, Shenzhen announced that anyone who gives the plastic bags for free would be fined from 5000 to 50000 Yuan (about 667 to 6667 dollars)
The second way to ban the plastic bags is to have paper boxes or paper bags instead. In Villa Nichada, there is no plastic bag. It “forces” you to bring your own. But if you forget and you buy a lot of food, they will give you a paper box that was used to contain other things. This is so much better than plastic.
There are still many ways to recycle plastic bags too. Some creative people collect those used plastic bags, and put them together to make a big bag, which is more stable, harder and more useful than the original plastic bags, which could be used for many times. If you are not that creative, you can also use it to line small trash cans instead of buying new wastebasket liners, which can be used many times and won’t be damaged. After using it, you can wash it gently and reuse it again. You can also cut those plastic bags to strips and use it to protect the fragile objects you have during shipping.
Plastic bags have another usage. If you have plants at your home and if you worried about your plants might die in a bleak winter, the problem is simple to be solved. Reuse the plastic bags to protect them from frost. If your plants are potted, you can wrap the whole thing to protect the root, too!
There are so many ways to ban or recycle plastic bags, and they are very simple. If you are willing to spend only a little time of your life to do these things to save the earth, it is not too late to reduce global warming. If everyone does that, countless plastic bags will be banned or recycled. Therefore, let’s do something and save our planet!


Global Warming

Global Warming is when the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere increases from what it is. It began in the late 19th century and the temperature is still rising. Global warming is caused by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide from factories and human wastes. Even though the temperature is rising slowly and the changes are not very obvious, there are living animals suffering from it such as polar bears.

In the hot desert, the increase in temperature won't be seen that easily. Nevertheless, in the freezing cold arctic, the effects of global warming can be seen very easily, because if the temperature rises slightly above the melting point, ice and snow will melt. Every polar bear has two layers of fur to keep them warm under -50˚C, and the ears tail can keep the heat in its body in case it escapes. Once the temperature starts to rise, polar bears will start to feel so hot, they have less space to roll on the ice or snow because they are melting. Therefore that is one of the reason polar bears are dying.

Another reason the polar bears are dying out is starvation. Their main food source is seals. When seals swim, they come to the surface to breathe and hole their breathe to dive in the water. Seals always find holes on the ocean ice in order for them to breathe. If the global warming affects the temperature increases past the melting point, the ocean ice will be disappeared, which means there will be plenty of space for seals to breathe. The way polar bears hunt seals is to stand next to the hole and waits for the seals to come up and breathe. Nowadays, most of the ice is gone and seals are breathing wherever they want, which made hunting harder for polar bears. When a polar bear spots a seal, it will go there to catch the seal and although polar bears can swim fast, the seals breathe faster, so when the polar bear arrive the destination, the seal will be diving back into the ocean.

The solution is we have to reduce global warming by reusing, reducing and recycling plastic objects like water bottle. Plastic is main source of producing carbon dioxide, one of the greenhouse gases. If I am the only one who is doing it, is not enough. Therefore, I want everyone who has read this blog post to do it too. The more people the more energy there is. One of the small thing we need to do is to use your own water bottle and use your own paper or cloth bag in order to reduce carbon dioxide in the air.
